Salary Increase For Elected Officials Passed By Dutchess Legislature

Elected officials in Dutchess are set to get bigger paychecks as soon as January following a close vote by the county legislature.

Dutchess County Office Building in the City of Poughkeepsie.

Dutchess County Office Building in the City of Poughkeepsie.

Photo Credit: Daily Voice

The legislature voted 13-12 on Monday, June 10, on a resolution that will see salaries for elected officials in the county increased 3 percent, beginning at the start of officials’ next elected term in office.

The resolution had bipartisan support and sponsorship, led by Republicans Don Sagliano and John Metzger and Democrat Barbara Jeter-Jackson. The pay bump is the first for Dutchess County officials in 15 years.

Some of the voters who did not support raises were reportedly in favor of raising the salaries for full-time positions such as county executive, comptroller, and sheriff, but did not support raises for legislators, which serve part-time. Others didn’t believe that enough information was disseminated or discussed enough.

Currently, elected officials are being paid: 

  • County Executive: $139, 869;
  • Sheriff: $125,664;
  • County Clerk: $106,023;
  • Comptroller: $99,937;
  • Legislative Chair: $32,960;
  • Majority or Minority Leader: $23,690;
  • Assistant Majority/Minority Leader: $19,570;
  • Legislator: $15,450.

With the resolution passed, the Legislative Chair, Majority and Minority Leaders, their assistants and legislators will each receive raises over the next two years. The County Executive, Sheriff and County Clerk will receive raises over the next four years, and the Comptroller will earn a raise every six years.

Beginning in 2020, elected officials will receive the following:

  • County Executive: $144,065;
  • Sheriff: $129,434;
  • County Clerk: $109,204;
  • Comptroller: $102,935;
  • Legislative Chair: $33,949;
  • Majority or Minority Leader: $24,401;
  • Assistant Majority/Minority Leader: $20,157;
  • Legislator: $15,914.

In total, the raises are expected to cost the county approximately $315,000 over the next five years, which will be a part of next year's budget.

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